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The Mysteries of Dog Marking: Self-Awareness and First Impressions

Dog marking is critical to how dogs interact with others and better understand themselves. Learn about some recent studies that shed light on dog marking's role in canine self-awareness and first impressions.

How Belly Bands for Dogs Compare to the P-Suit® Diaper

Belly bands for dogs have design-related disadvantages that can get in the way when addressing dog marking and incontinence. See how the P-Suit® dog diaper solves them.


How Disposable Dog Diapers Compare to the P-Suit® Diaper

A disposable dog diaper can seem enticing at the surface for some owners. But what works well for human babies doesn't necessarily carry over to fur babies. See how disposable dog diapers stack up to our P-Suit® dog diapers.

dog overheating laws
reasons why dogs pee in the house

4 Ways Dog Urine Black Lights Can Help You Stop a Dog From Peeing in the House

Without the right tools, it can be hard to plan how to stop a dog from peeing in the house—unless you catch your pup in the act. Learn four ways dog urine black lights can help you manage behavioral peeing and old dog incontinence indoors.

Dog Overheating Laws Taking Hold in Growing Number of States

Dog overheating can be fatal for pets if dog owners leave their dogs in cars. Fortunately, many states have laws in place to address this problem. Learn more about how states are addressing dog overheating in cars issues.

Living With Old Dog Incontinence

Old dog incontinence doesn't have to be an unmanageable situation for dog owners. It's just a natural part of your pet's transition into older age. See how we handle old dog incontinence issues with our own pets.

Managing Old Dog Incontinence in Senior Dogs

Old dog incontinence is a common issue that affects most canines as they grow into old age.  Fortunately, this situation is absolutely manageable. See how we learned this firsthand with our senior dog, Godzilla. 

Why Dog Peeing in House Issues May Be More Than Just a Training Problem

Every dog has a story or reason for peeing indoors.  In fact, studies show that this is one of the many ways dogs communicate and express their dominance. Learn why dog peeing in house behavior may be more than just a training issue.


Introducing Our New P-Suit® Dog Diapers

Dog overheating can be fatal for pets if dog owners leave their dogs in cars. Fortunately, many states have laws in place to address this problem. Learn more about how states are addressing dog overheating in cars issues.


DIY Life Hack For Dog Owners That Keeps Furniture Intact

Finding dog scratch marks on your furniture? Learn a DIY dog project life hack that will protect your furniture in a fun, stylish & functional way.

Cute DIY Dog Furniture Project For Your Home

Get inspiration for your next DIY dog furniture project by checking out one of our favorite easy-to-use DIY dog bed ideas


6 Reasons Why Dogs Pee in the House

There are many reasons why dogs pee in the house. Dog incontinence and dog marking describe just a few. Learn 6 reasons why dogs pee indoors, and find out how you can stop your dog from peeing indoors.


Stop Dog Peeing in the House With Pack Behavior Study Tips

A recent university study revealed common dog behaviors you should look out for to stop dog peeing in the house. Learn more and how our P-Suit® dog diapers can help.

beagle dog diapers

Beagle Tries Barkitwear P-Suit® Dog Diaper

Chloe, a female ‪beagle from Connecticut, lives with light incontinence. Her owners decided to try our P-Suit® dog diaper to manage her incontinence. We filmed her trying the P-Suit® dog diaper on for the first time!

pet friendly colleges

4 Pet Friendly Colleges That Allow Dogs in Dorms

College students looking to bring dogs to campus may find these four pet friendly colleges worth considering. Discover which US colleges allow dogs in dorms

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